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snippet: Creates a vehicle routing problem (VRP) network analysis layer, sets the analysis properties, and solves the analysis, which is ideal for setting up a VRP web service. A vehicle routing problem analysis layer finds the ... (see Description)
summary: Creates a vehicle routing problem (VRP) network analysis layer, sets the analysis properties, and solves the analysis, which is ideal for setting up a VRP web service. A vehicle routing problem analysis layer finds the ... (see Description)
extent: [[-198,-99],[198,99]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Tool","Service","Geoprocessing Service","Web Tool","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Creates a vehicle routing problem (VRP) network analysis layer, sets the analysis properties, and solves the analysis, which is ideal for setting up a VRP web service. A vehicle routing problem analysis layer finds the best routes for a fleet of vehicles., The Make Vehicle Routing Problem Layer and Solve Vehicle Routing Problem tools are similar, but they are designed for different purposes. Use the Solve Vehicle Routing Problem tool if you are setting up a geoprocessing service; it will simplify the setup process; otherwise, use the Make Vehicle Routing Problem Layer tool., To create a VRP geoprocessing service using Solve Vehicle Routing Problem Layer, you only need to set up one tool and publish it as a service. In contrast, you need to create a model with the Make Vehicle Routing Problem Layer, properly connect it to various other tools, and publish the model to create a service. One other option to consider is the ArcGIS Online Vehicle Routing Problem services. The services run like geoprocessing tools in ArcMap, can be accessed from other applications, and include high-quality road data for much of the world., See Network Analyst geoprocessing service examples for information about tutorial data for setting up a sample VRP geoprocessing service.
title: MDC Routing
type: Geoprocessing Service
tags: ["Bus","Delivery","Depot","Distribute","Driver","Fleet","Order","Pickup","School","Tour","Truck","Vrp"]
culture: en-US
name: SolveVehicleRoutingProblemWithDirectionsAsync
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984