There are several ways to locate and view a dashboard that's been shared with you.
Find the dashboard
When a dashboard is shared with you, you can access it from the Operations Dashboard home page or from your organization's portal. This topic discusses how to find a dashboard from the Operations Dashboard home page. You can find a dashboard from the portal in the same way you would search for any other item. See Browse and search content for details.
How you find a dashboard from the Operations Dashboard home page depends on who the item was shared with and your organizational role as follows:
- If the dashboard was shared with your organization, you can find it on the Shared Dashboards tab of the home page, which contains all dashboards shared with your organization. You can find a dashboard by filtering by its title or clicking Sort by time
or Sort alphabetically
on the right to sort the dashboards by time or title, respectively.
- If the dashboard was shared with your group, on the Shared Dashboards tab, click the All shared dashboards drop-down menu on the left and choose your group name to see the dashboards only shared with your group.
- If the dashboard was shared with everyone, and you are not a member of the author's organization, you can sign in to your organization and search All Content for the dashboard. See Browse and search content for details.
View the dashboard
Once you've found the dashboard, you can view it by hovering over its card and clicking View Dashboard or clicking View at the bottom of the card.
You can also view your dashboard while you're editing it, to ensure it looks good and works properly for users, by clicking Options in the upper right corner of the screen and copying
and pasting the link under Share Link into another browser tab. The dashboard will look the same as it does in edit mode, except it doesn't have the authoring toolbar at the top of the screen or the configuration menus that appear when you hover over elements.
If you send this link to users before you adjust the dashboard's sharing settings, they won't be able to view your dashboard. By default, your dashboard is not shared with anyone. See Share a dashboard for details.